Megan, I know I’m reading this a few months late, but I wanted to thank you for the invitation to reflect on my own childhood - I’ve been aware of the fact that I’m likely HSP for several years now, but it’s only in my motherhood that I’ve embraced that in a healthy way. But I had never considered the ways in which my people-pleasing tendencies (as well as my struggle to express emotion after being called very emotional as a child) could be related. I’m working through a lot of this in my current (second) postpartum season, and trying to accept my toddler’s “big feelings” with love and empathy and no comment or judgment.
Thank you for sharing your post. It’s empowering. I am a HSP and struggling with Long Covid symptoms. I keep seeing signs regarding saying no, so when I landed on your page, I laughed at yet another message. I hope to love the color red someday soon. ✨
This is so powerful! I also found school very overstimulating for the first few years, and never understood why I would have daily stomach pains on the bus or struggle with focus in the classroom. I was a "good kid", very compliant, "a pleasure to have in class". I wish I knew then what I know now. But I'm grateful that I know it at all. Being gentle with myself as an adult has made all the difference!
Megan, I know I’m reading this a few months late, but I wanted to thank you for the invitation to reflect on my own childhood - I’ve been aware of the fact that I’m likely HSP for several years now, but it’s only in my motherhood that I’ve embraced that in a healthy way. But I had never considered the ways in which my people-pleasing tendencies (as well as my struggle to express emotion after being called very emotional as a child) could be related. I’m working through a lot of this in my current (second) postpartum season, and trying to accept my toddler’s “big feelings” with love and empathy and no comment or judgment.
You’re so welcome, I’m glad you’re here! Thank you for sharing that - no doubt many fellow HSPs relate to your journey too! ♥️✨
Thank You Megan...your posts mean a lot too me xxx
Thank you for being here, Susan! I’m so glad you are and my writing resonates ♥️✨
Oh Megan, this spoke to my depths. This tenderhearted little girl is only beginning to truly learn this at 42.
My heart is glad to know this resonated with you. It’s something I wish I knew when I was younger. Something I’m still learning...
Thank you for sharing your post. It’s empowering. I am a HSP and struggling with Long Covid symptoms. I keep seeing signs regarding saying no, so when I landed on your page, I laughed at yet another message. I hope to love the color red someday soon. ✨
Thank you for your comment. I am so glad it resonated with you! And, I’m so happy to have you here! ✨
This is so powerful! I also found school very overstimulating for the first few years, and never understood why I would have daily stomach pains on the bus or struggle with focus in the classroom. I was a "good kid", very compliant, "a pleasure to have in class". I wish I knew then what I know now. But I'm grateful that I know it at all. Being gentle with myself as an adult has made all the difference!
Thank you for this. Beautiful post. 🌿
Thank you for sharing your similar experience! I think it’s probably more common than we all realize. ♥️